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SQL queries

SELECT * [column ] FROM table [WHERE condition ] [ORDER BY column [asc|desc]]

The options in square brackets are optional. Some examples:

SELECT * FROM tab all records from the table tab
SELECT name, firstname FROM tab only columns last name and first name
SELECT * FROM tab ORDER BY name all records from the table tab sorted by name
SELECT * FROM tab WHERE salutation = 'Mr' ORDER BY name all records with salutation “Mr.” sorted by name
SELECT * FROM tab WHERE name = 'Meier' and firstname = 'Luka' searches for “Luka Meier” (both conditions (should be) met)
SELECT * FROM tab WHERE name = 'Meier' or name = 'Mayer' one of the two conditions should be met
SELECT * FROM tab WHERE name in ('Meier', 'Meyer', 'Muller') name must be listed under the specified name(s)
SELECT * FROM tab WHERE name LIKE '%house% ' all records that occur in the field name "house"
SELECT * FROM tab WHERE year between 1999 and 2014 numbers can be specified without quotes
SELECT count (*) FROM tab determines the number of records in a table
SELECT concat (firstame, ' ', name) as fname FROM tab connects last name and firstname in a new field fname
SELECT sum(price) FROM tab determines the sum of all values in a table column


UPDATE table SET column1 = value1, [column2 = value2], [...] [WHEREcondition]

UPDATE tab SET institute = 'PHBern' replaces institute with PHBern in all record fields
UPDATE tab SET booked='Y', cust=33 WHERE seat=6 updates multiple columns
UPDATE tab SET salutation = 'Ms' WHERE salutation = 'f' replaces f with Ms in the field salutation
UPDATE tab SET price = price * 1.52 calculations can be performed in the update statement


DELETE FROM table [WHERE condition]

DELETE FROM tab deletes all records in the table tab
DELETE FROM tab WHERE name = "Meier" deletes the record with name = Meier