Module import: | from simrobot import * from ev3robot import * from nxtrobot import * |
Method | Action |
LegoRobot() |
creates a robot (without motors/sensors) and establishes a communication link |
addPart(part) | adds a part to the robot (motor, sensor, etc.) |
clearDisplay() | erases the display [Simulation: status bar] |
drawString(text, x, y) | draws text at position x, y [Simulation: in status bar, (x, y) irrelevant] |
isDownHit() | True, if DOWN button was hit [NXT and simulation: keyboard key Cursor-down] |
isEnterHit() | True, if ENTER button was hit [NXT and simulation: keyboard key Enter] |
isEscapeHit() | True, if ESCAPE button was hit [NXT and simulation: keyboard key Escape] |
isLeftHit() | True, if LEFT button was hit [NXT and simulation: keyboard key Cursor-left] |
isRightHit() | True, if RIGHT button was hit [NXT and simulation: keyboard key Cursor-right] |
isUpHit() | True, if UP button was hit [NXT and simulation: keyboard key Cursor-up] |
playTone(frequency, duration) | plays a tone with given frequency (in Hz) and duration (ms) |
setVolume(volume) | sets the sound volume for all sound emissions (0..100) |
playSample(tag, volume) | plays a WAV file using the given volume (0..100) from folder /home/root/music with file name song<tag>.wav (tag: integer) (non blocking). WAV format: mono, 8 bit unsigned or 16 bit signed with maximum sampling rate 11025 Hz [not available in sim] |
playSampleWait(tag, volume) | same, but blocking until play is finished [not available in sim] |
setLED(pattern) | sets the EV3 LEDS: 0: off, 1: green, 2: red, 3: red bright, 4: green blinking, 5: red blinking, 6: red blinking bright, 7: green double blinking , 8: red double blinking, 9: red double blinking brightl |
exit() | stops all motors and terminates the communication link |
isConnected() | returns True, if the communication link is established [Simulation: Window not closed] |
reset() | Simulation: sets the robot to the starting position/direction |
Gear() | creates a vehicle with motors at port A and B |
backward() | moves backward (non-blocking method) |
backward(ms) | moves backward during given time (in ms) (blocking method) |
isMoving() | returns True, if the vehicle is not at rest |
forward() | starts moving forward (non-blocking method) |
forward(ms) | moves forward during given time (in ms) (blocking method) | left() | starts turning left (non-blocking method) |
left(ms) | turns left during given time (in ms) (blocking method) |
leftArc(radius) | starts turning on left arc with given radius (approx. in m) left (non-blocking method) |
leftArc(radius, ms) | turns on left arc during given time (in ms) with given radius (approx. in m) left (blocking method) |
right() | starts turning right (non-blocking method) |
right(ms) | turns right during given time (in ms) (blocking method) |
rightArc(radius) | starts turning on right arc with given radius (approx. in m) left (non-blocking method) |
rightArc(radius, ms) | turns on right arc during given time (in ms) with given radius (approx. in m) left (blocking method) |
setSpeed(speed) | sets the vehicle speed (0..100) |
stop() | stops the vehicle |
getLeftMotorCount() | returns current value of left motor counter [not available in sim] |
getRightMotorCount() | returns current value of right motor counter [not available in sim] |
resetLeftMotorCount() | sets left motor counter to 0 [not available in sim] |
resetRightMotorCount() | sets right motor counter to 0 [not available in sim] |
TurtleRobot() | creates a vehicle with motors at port A and B |
backward() | starts moving backward (non-blocking method) |
backward(step) | moves backward for the given number of steps (blocking method) |
forward() | starts moving forward (non-blocking method) |
forward(step) | moves forward for the given number of steps (blocking method) |
left() | starts turning left (non-blocking method) |
left(angle) | turns left for the given angel (approx. degrees) (blocking method) |
right() | starts turning right (non-blocking method) |
right(angle) | turns right for the given angel (approx. degrees) (blocking method) |
setTurtleSpeed(speed) | sets the vehicle speed (0..100) |
Motor(MotorPort.port) | creates a motor at Motorport A, B, C or D |
backward() | starts rotating forward |
forward() | starts rotating backward |
setSpeed(speed) | sets the motor speed (0..100) |
isMoving() | returns True, if the motor is not at rest |
stop() | stops the motor |
getMotorCount() | returns current value of motor counter [not in sim] |
resetMotorCount() | sets motor counter to 0 [not in sim] |
rotateTo(count) | sets counter to 0, moves motor until count and stops (blocking) [not available in sim] |
rotateTo(count, blocking) | same as rotateTo(count), but not blocking for blocking = False [not available in sim] |
continueTo(count) | same as rotateTo(count), but counter is not set to 0 [not available in sim] |
continueTo(count, blocking) | same as rotateTo(count, blocking), but counter is not set to 0 [not available in sim] |
continueRelativeTo(count) | same as continueTo(count), but count is increment [not available in sim] |
continueRelativeTo(count, blocking) | same as continueTo(count, blocking), but count is increment [not available in sim] |
LightSensor(SensorPort.port) |
creates a light sensor at SensorPort S1, S2, S3 or S4 |
LightSensor(SensorPort.port, bright = onBright, dark = onDark) | same with registered event callbacks onBright(port, value), onDark(port, value) while crossing the trigger level |
LightSensor(SensorPort.port, True) | Simulationsmode only: creates an upward directed light sensor at SensorPort S1, S2, S3 or S4. Port S1: front right, S2: front left, S3: rear right, S4: rear left |
LightSensor(SensorPort.port, True, bright = onBright, dark = onDark) | same with registered event callbacks onBright(port, value), onDark(port, value) while crossing the trigger level |
getValue() | returns the measured light level value (0...1000 approx.) |
activate(bool) | turns on/off the LED of a NXT LightSensor |
setTriggerLevel(level) | sets the trigger level (default: 500) |
ColorSensor(SensorPort.port) | creates a color sensor at SensorPort S1, S2, S3 or S4 Simulation mode: Port S1: front right, S2: front left, S3: front center, S4: rear center |
getColor() | returns the measured color as Color object with methods getRed(), getGreen(), getBlue() (RGB value 0..255) |
getColorID() | returns a color identifier: 0: undefined, 1: black, 2: blue, 3:green, 4: yellow, 5: red, 6: white |
getColorStr() | returns the measured color as string ("UNDEFINED", "BLACK", "BLUE", "GREEN", "YELLOW", "RED", "WHITE") |
getLightValue() | returns the luminosity (in HSG model) of the measured color |
TouchSensor(SensorPort.port) |
creates a touch sensor at SensorPort S1, S2, S3 or S4 |
TouchSensor(SensorPort.port, pressed = onPressed, released = onReleased) | same with registered event callbacks onPressed(port), onReleased(port) |
isPressed() | returns True, if the button is pressed |
SoundSensor(SensorPort.port) |
creates a sound sensor at SensorPort S1, S2, S3 or S4 |
SoundSensor(SensorPort.port, loud = onLoud, quiet = onQuiet) | same with registered event callbacks onLoud(port, value), onQuiet(port, value) while crossing the trigger level |
getValue() | returns the measured sound level value (0...100 approx.) |
setTriggerLevel(level) | sets the trigger level (default: 50) |
UltrasonicSensor(SensorPort.port) | creates a ultrasonic sensor at SensorPort S1, S2, S3 or S4 Simulation mode: S1: forward; S2: left, S3: backward |
UltrasonicSensor(SensorPort.port, far = onFar, near = onNear) |
same with registered event callbacks onFar(port, value), onNear(port, value) while crossing the trigger level |
getDistance() | returns the measured distance (in cm approx.; 255, if measurement fails) |
setTriggerLevel(level) | sets the trigger level (default: 10) |
far(port, level), near(port, level) | callback functions that may be registered by named parameters |
setProximityCircleColor(color) | Simulation: sets the color of the proximity circle |
setMeshTriangleColor(color) | Simulation: sets the color of the mesh triangles |
eraseBeamArea() | Simulation: erases the beam area |
GyroRateSensor(SensorPort.port) | creates a GyroRateSensor at SensorPort S1, S2, S3, S4 |
getValue() | returns the angle velocity (degrees per second, positive anit-clockwise) |
GyroAngleSensor(SensorPort.port) | creates a GyroAngleSensor at SensorPort S1, S2, S3, S4 |
getValue() | returns the current orientation relative to the start position (degrees anti-clockwise) |
reset() | sets the start position |
IRRemoteSensor(SensorPort.port) | creates an infrared sensor for remote control at SensorPort S1, S2, S3 or S4 |
getCommand() | returns the current command ID: 0:Nothing,1: TopLeft,2:BottomLeft,3:TopRight, 4:bottomRight 5:TopLeft&TopRight, 6:TopLeft&BottomRight,7:BottomLeft&TopRight, 8:bottomLeft&BottomRight, 9:Centre,10:BottomLeft&TopLeft,11:TopRight&BottomRight The channel is selected by the red slider switch: 1: top, 4: bottom. It corresponds to the port number, where the sensor is attached. |
actionPerformed(port, command) |
callback function that may be registered by a named parameter |
IRSeekSensor(SensorPort.port) |
creates tn infrared search sensor at SensorPort S1, S2, S3 or S4 . |
v = getValue() | v.bearing returns the direction (-12..12) and v.distance the distance (in cm) to the source. The channel is selected by the red slider switch: 1: top, 4: bottom. It corresponds to the port number, where the sensor is attached. |
IRDistanceSensor(SensorPort.port) | creates a infrared distance sensorer at SensorPort S1, S2, S3 or S4 (reflecting target). |
getDistance() | returns the distance to the target (in cm) |
ArduinoLink(SensorPort.port) | creates an I2C master for the connection to the Arduino at SensorPort S1, S2, S3, S4 |
getReply(request, reply) |
sends the request (integer 0..255) to the Arduino and returns the answer in the given list reply (max.16 integers 0..255) |
getReplyInt(request) | sends the request (integer 0..255) to the Arduino und returns the answer as integer 0..255 |
getReplyString(request) |
sends the request (integer 0..255) to the Arduino und returns the answer as string (max. 15 ASCII-characters) |
TemperatureSensor(SensorPort.port) | creates a temperature sensor at SensorPort S1, S2, S3, S4 (Lego NXT Temperature Sensor 9749) |
getTemperature() | returns the temperature in range -55..128 degrees Celsius |
I2CExpander(SensorPort.port, deviceType, slaveAddress) | creates an I2C expander at SensorPort S1, S2, S3, S4. deviceType = 0: PCF8574, 1: PCF8574A, 2: PCF8591; slaveAddress: 8-bit I2C address |
I2CExpander(SensorPort.port, deviceType, inputMode, slaveAddress) | same, but defines inputMode: 0: single ended, 2: three differential, 3: mixed, 4: two differential (see data sheet PCF8591) |
writeDigital(out) |
sets the digital input/output (8 bits) and returns the current value. To define a pin as input, the port bit is set to 1. (Only for PCF8574/PCF8574A) |
writeAnalog(out) | sets the analog ouput (8 bits). (Only for PCF8591) |
readAnalog(channel) |
returns the current value of channel 0..3 (0..255 for single ended, -128..127 for differential). (Only for PCF8591) |
readAnalog() | returns list of currenet values of all channels. (Only for PCF8591) |
setStartDirection(angle) | sets the starting direction (0 to east, positive clockwise) |
setStartPosition(x, y) | sets the starting position (in pixels, zero at upper-left vertex) |
showStatusBar(height) | adds a status bar with given height at the bottom of the window |
setStatusText(text) | inserts text into the status bar (old text is erased) |
useBackground(filename) | inserts the given image into the background to be used by a light or color sensor |
useObstacle(filename, x, y) | inserts an obstacle at given position to be used by a the touch sensor |
useTarget(filename, mesh, x, y) | inserts a target at given position to be used by the ultrasonic sensor |
useTorch(power, x, y, z) | insert ein spot light source with given power at position (x, y, z) (draggable, z: height over floor). The light is detected by light sensors pointing upwards |
useShadow(ulx, ul.y, lrx, lry) | inserts a rectangle shadow area with upper left vertex (ulx, uly) and lower right vertex (lrx, lry). The shadow absorbs the light from all spot lights. |
Complete Online-JavaDoc : | EV3JLibA (Autonomous mode) |
EV3JLib (Direct mode) | |
NxtJLib (Direct mode) | |
RobotSim (Simulation) |