Constructors/methods | Action |
EntryDialog(entryPane1, entryPane2,...) |
creates a dialog window in the center of the sceen with any number of pane areas that contain the GUI controls. The panes are displayed in the order of the parameters |
EntryDialog(ulx, uly, entryPane1, entryPane2,...) | creates a dialog window with any number of pane areas that contain the GUI controls. The panes are displayed in the order of the parameters. The dialog is positioned at given screen coordinates (ulx, uly) (upper left vertex) |
setTitle(text) | displays the given text in the dialog title bar |
isChanged() |
returns True, if any of the EntryItems CheckEntry, RadioEntry, SliderEntry was changed due to a user action. Further calls return False, until a new modification is made |
dispose() | closes the dialog window |
isDisposed() | returns True, if the dialog title bar close button was hit or dispose() was called |
hide() | hides the dialog window |
show() | shows the previously hidden dialog window |
setAlwaysOnTop(enable) | with enable = True, the dialog remains on top of program windows, but may lose the focus |
toFront(enable) | with enable = True the the dialog is put on top of program windows and gains the focus; enable = False puts the dialog to the back |
Constructors | Action |
EntryPane(entryItem1, entryItem2,...) |
creates a pane area with given GUI controls and no border lines. The controls are displayed in the order of the parameters |
EntryPane(title, entryItem1, entryItem2,...) | creates a pane area with given GUI controls. The controls are displayed in the order of the parameters. The area is surrounded by a rectangular border line with the title text on the upper border line (can be empty) |
setTitle(title) | modifies the text on the border line. If no border is present, nothing happens |
Constructor/methods | Action |
ButtonEntry(label) | creates a push button with given text |
isTouched() | returns True, if the button was hit since the last call of isTouched() |
getValue() | returns True, if the button is currently pressed |
setEnabled(enabled) | activates/deactivates the control |
Constructor/methods | Action |
CheckEntry(label, init) |
creates a check box with given annotation. For init = True, the check box is selected; othewise deselected |
isTouched() | returns True, if the check box was hit since the last call of isTouched() |
getValue() | returns True, if the check box is selected; False, if deselected |
setValue(value) | for value = True, the check box is set to the selected state; otherwise deselected |
setEnabled(enabled) | activates/deactivates the check box |
Constructor/methods | Action |
RadioEntry(label) |
creates a radio button with given annotation. All radio buttons in the same EntryPane belong to the same logical button group |
isTouched() | returns True, if the radio button was hit since the last call of isTouched() |
getValue() |
returns True, if the radio button is selected; False, if deselected |
setValue(value) | for value = True, the radio button is set to the selected state; otherwise deselected |
setEnabled(enabled) | activates/deactivates the radio button |
Constructors/methods | Action |
IntEntry(prompt, init) |
creates a text field for entering or displaying an integer number and shows prompt as preceding annotation. The field contains the initializing value init |
IntEntry(prompt) | creates a text field for entering or displaying an integer number and shows prompt as preceding annotation |
isTouched() | returns True, if the text field was hit since the last call of isTouched() |
getValue() | returns the current value of the text field; null, if it cannot be converted to an integer |
setValue(value) | sets the given value into the text field |
setEditable(False) | disables editing (and removes the cursor) |
setEnabled(enabled) | activates/deactivates the control |
Constructors/methods | Action |
LongEntry(prompt, init) | creates a text field for entering or displaying a long number and shows prompt as preceding annotation. The field contains the initializing value init |
LongEntry(prompt) | creates a text field for entering or displaying a long number and shows prompt as preceding annotation |
isTouched() | returns True, if the text field was hit since the last call of isTouched() |
getValue() | returns the current value of the text field; null, if it cannot be converted to a long |
setValue(value) | sets the given value into the text field |
setEditable(False) | disables editing (and removes the cursor) |
setEnabled(enabled) | activates/deactivates the control |
Constructors/methods | Action |
FloatEntry(prompt, init) | creates a text field for entering or displaying a float number and shows prompt as preceding annotation. The field contains the initializing value init |
FloatEntry(prompt) | creates a text field for entering or displaying a float number and shows prompt as preceding annotation |
isTouched() | returns True, if the text field was hit since the last call of isTouched() |
getValue() | returns the current value of the text field; null, if it cannot be converted to a float |
setValue(value) | sets the given value into the text field |
setEditable(False) | disables editing (and removes the cursor) |
setEnabled(enabled) | activates/deactivates the control |
Constructors/methods | Action |
StringEntry(label, init) | creates a text field for entering or displaying strings and shows prompt as preceding annotation. The field contains the initializing value init |
StringEntry(label) | creates a text field for entering or displaying strings and shows prompt as preceding annotation |
isTouched() | returns True, if the text field was hit since the last call of isTouched() |
getValue() | returns the current (trimmed) value of the text field |
setValue(value) | sets the given value into the text field |
setEditable(False) | disables editing (and removes the cursor) |
setEnabled(enabled) | activates/deactivates the control |
Constructor/methods | Action |
SliderEntry(min, max, init, major, minor) |
creates a slider with minimum value min, maximum value max and starting knob position init. major is the number of values between the major tick marks and minor the number of values between the minor tick marks |
isTouched() | returns True, if the slider was hit since the last call of isTouched() |
getValue() | returns the current value of the knob position |
setValue(value) | moves the knob position to the given value |
setEnabled(enabled) | activates/deactivates the control |