Objectifs d’apprentissage

Être capable d’expliquer comment le son est digitalisé et codé.


Comprendre le concept d’échantillonnage et connaître ses implications.

Être capable d’enregistrer un son depuis un programme personnel, le modifier, le rejouer et le sauver dans un fichier.




"As the skills that constitute literacy evolve to accommodate digital media, computer science education finds itself in a sorry state. While students are more in need of computational skills than ever, computer science suffers dramatically low retention rates and a declining percentage of women and minorities. Studies of the problem point to the over-emphasis in computer science classes on abstraction over application, technical details instead of usability, and the stereotypical view of programmers as loners lacking creativity. Media Computation, teaches programming and computation in the context of media creation and manipulation."

In Forte, Guzdial, Not Calculation: Media
as a Motivation and Context for Learning